Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Other random funny sayings

Cameron has been saying lots of funny things lately. For instance:

On our way to my bible study at our church.
C: Look mommy, I see an airplane out my window.
Me: Oh wow. I see it too.
C: But not daddy. Daddy bact to wort. (His way of saying that Daddy went back to work.)
Me: Yep, Daddy is at work.
C: And not Maddie. Maddie at home.
Me: Yes, Maddie is at home.
C: Mommy, Maddie not want to go to church?

Me: I'm sure she does, but they don't let dogs in our church.
C: Maybe Maddie wants to come next time.
Maybe next time, Maddie.

We were in the car the other day and another car was slow turning in front of us. I made some comment like "come on car" and Cameron says "Mommy, is that car driving you nuts?" You can't say anything around this boy that you don't want repeated.


  1. OMGosh Chrissy...I am so laughing hard. This is great. Thanks so much for sharing. The boys are adorable.

  2. Ok, first, the pic of Cameron and Scott on the dock is priceless! And the video of searching for that allusive egg on the wagon handle was too funny - felt bad for laughing but it was funny. Thanks for blogging - I love to see my far off family:).
