Monday, October 26, 2009
3rd Annual FredtoberFest

Fire Station
Life with 2 boys
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Hiding with cupcakes
Well, not this time. The other day he asked me if he could have a cupcake (from Scott's birthday). I told him he could pick one out, but would have to wait until after dinner to eat it. The phone rang and I was on it for a few minutes, when I realized that he was no where to be found. I got off the phone and went to look for him. He was hiding under my bed eating not one, but TWO cupcakes! When I asked what he was doing, he told me he was eating two cupcakes (at least he is still honest).
I guess he has figured out that it is possible to eat dessert before dinner, you just might not like the consequenses afterwards. Funny boy!
Happy Birthday Cameron!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Spencer!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Shameless beggar
We have awesome neighbors (Mark and Stacey) that live next door to us. They have 2 teenage boys and Cameron loves to go over to their house and bounce on their trampoline with them and play with their old toys. He almost always gets fruit snacks when he is over there, so needless to say, he wants to go over there all the time! Anytime we pull up into our driveway, he wants to see if he can go over to their house and tell them he is almost out of fruit snacks. Anytime we are on a walk, he asks to go knock on their door to see if they are home to get more fruit snacks. And now, anytime he wakes up from a nap, he yells that he wants to go to Mark and Stacey's house to get fruit snacks. He is a shameless beggar!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Up on all fours
Chuck and Virginia's wedding
Night night!
We started on a Thursday night, just knowing it would be a long weekend of battles to stay in bed. It has been over 3 weeks and he has still not gotten out of bed without our permission. Not one single time! We simply hear "I'm all done in my bed!" when he wakes up in the morning and after his nap. He is too easy sometimes!
Spencer seems to like the extra sleeping space to stretch out a bit!
It's so exciting to get a big boy bed!
New looks
Owens Farm
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
I wish they were here to clean our car
Anyway, I called the police department to see about filing a report over the phone. They asked if they could come out and see if there was any evidence since this has been a common occurrence in the area lately. Sure. So they send an officer and a CSI unit out to the house and Cameron about wet himself when they both pulled up.
The CSI officer asked if he could dust the car for fingerprints and gets out his powder and brush. Cameron then turns to me and says "Momma, are they cleaning our car?"
He makes me laugh. I wish they were only here to clean our car.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
8 months

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I used to be his number one all the time.
Me: Cameron, is mommy your best friend?
Cam: No, Bryce is my best friend. (Yea, the same one he takes toys from at school.)
Me: Can I be your best friend too?
Cam: Uh, sure!
Me: Oh, that makes mommy so happy!
Cam: You're welcome!
Today in the car:
Me: Cameron, you and Spencer are my favorite little boys.
Cam: No, I not your favorite.
Me: Why not?
Cam: I daddy's favorite.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Down in my leg
Scott: Where did your food go?
Cam: It's in my belly.
Scott: Where does it go after your belly?
Long pause...Cam: Down in my legs.
Today I made cupcakes...
Scott: Cameron, where are the cupcakes?
Cam: It's in my legs.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Quick pics
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
No lies
Me: Are you excited to go to school today?
Cam: Yes, and I won't take his toys.
Me: What do you mean?
Cam: It's not nice to take his toys.
Me: Whose toys?
Cam: Bryce. (One of his friends at school.)
Me: Do you take toys from Bryce?
Cam: Yes.
I am thankful for his honesty for I know it won't last forever.
Here are a couple of Texas blue bonnet pics.